Matt Saulez

RepresentsGowrie Farm GC
Date of Birth24th January 1997
Turned Pro2019
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Results (222S)

Date Tournament Pos Round Scores Total Winnings
* Not an OoM event. "pts" denotes a points-based event.

Career Highlights

Date Name Pos Score VSPAR Round Scores Winnings
04/07/17 Big Easy Tour - Houghton GC 4= 139 -5 69 70 0.00
30/09/19 BET IGT Chall #13 - Parkview 2 209 -11 65 68 72 20 8,625.00
21/10/19 BET IGT Chall #15 Krugersdorp 2 211 -5 75 68 68 8,625.00
04/11/19 BET IGT Chall #17 Silver Lakes 10= 212 -4 70 69 73 1,687.50
23/03/21 Big Easy Road to #8 3= 205 -11 67 68 70 3,070.50
* Not an OoM event. "pts" denotes a points-based event.

Performance Statistics

Description Result
Career Prize Money 0.00
Tournament Wins 0
Tournaments Played 2
Average against Par +3.25
Total Above/Below Par +13
Total Number of Eagles 0
Total Holes in One 0
Total Number of Birdies 9
Average Birdies per Round 2.25
Low Round Score 69
Stroke Average (BET) 72.50